function registerListener() { window.wixDevelopersAnalytics.register( 'cf06bdf3-5bab-4f20-b165-97fb723dac6a', (eventName, eventParams, options) => { const XSRFToken = getXSRFTokenFromCookie() fetch( `${window.location.origin}/_serverless/analytics-reporter/facebook/event`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-XSRF-TOKEN': XSRFToken, }, body: JSON.stringify({ eventName, data: eventParams }), }, ); }, ); function getXSRFTokenFromCookie() { var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("XSRF-TOKEN=(.+?);")); return match ? match[1] : ""; } } window.wixDevelopersAnalytics ? registerListener() : window.addEventListener('wixDevelopersAnalyticsReady', registerListener);
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Platform  | Emergency Networking


Create intelligent, no-code forms and workflows with aldrin.

The most advanced, user centric data collection form and app builder for first responders, social services, and public sector agencies.
Create intelligent, no-code forms and workflows

Create intelligent | Emergency Networking
No-code forms | Emergency Networking
Layout | Emergency Networking
Drag & Drop

Pick from an extensive library of field types and drag and drop into your forms. 

With the inspector, you can make fields required, hidden, populate with data sources and much more.

Rules & Conditional Logic

Create rules based on values, element properties, calculations, and event based actions.


Build calculations using user inputs, data source values, calculations, and field properties.​

Responsive Layout

Easily design your forms for desktop computers, tablets, and cellphones with our simple designer tool. 

Meeting | Emergency Networking

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